Woman Artist Challenge|Day1

【Woman Artist Challenge |Day 1】#3days3works3artists

いつもお話すると和ませ勇気をくれる造形作家の#柴田 美千里 (Michiri Shibata)さんからWomen Artist Challengeというバトンを受け取りましたので、3日間、自身の作品紹介と作家紹介をしていきたいと思います👭柴田さんは女性アーティストとして精力的に継続され、その姿は大きく包み込まれるような存在です✨

 次へのバトンは、つちやあゆみ (#Ayumi Tsuchiya)さんにバトンをお渡しします🏃‍♀️木工アーティストで中之条ビエンナーレご出品や企業とのコラボをされたり、とてもポピュラーな歯車オルゴールアーティストです。つちやさんの木工によるオルゴール作品は、鑑賞者が自ら作品に手を触れて奏で作品と一体となることによって音が生まれます。朗らかな作品はつちやさんの人柄がとても表れています。

 1908年、アメリカ女性労働者達の労働条件の改善と参政権保障を要求し、世界各国の女性団体の地位向上と尊厳のために祈る日です。このため”Women Artist Challenge”に参加しています。

小野養豚ん作品 Day1「 Piglicious 」2018
サイズ可変 ミクスト・メディア 撮影:武石早代

 ” Pig ”と“ Delicious ”をかけ「Piglicious」という造語をタイトルとした作品を紹介させて頂きます。昨今ではインスタ映えとしても人気があるようにペットのぶたちゃんが愛されています。食肉とされず愛でられ幸せに暮らすぶたちゃんがいる一方、生まれてから半年の間に、檻の中で運動を制限され90kgの体重増加をしたら出荷場へ運ばれ、さばかれていく食肉用の豚さんがいます。食肉の豚が飼育され出荷されていくことを見てきた作者にとっては、まるでペットのぶたちゃんが夢の中にいる存在で、食肉の豚さんが夢とは対照的な厳しい現実の存在として感じられます。このような夢と現実をテーマとしました。


Women Artist Challenge -Long Run- 

The 8th of March is International Women’s Day. Since the protest of female labourers in the United States in 1909, demanding an improvement of working conditions, this day is commemorated by women’s organizations worldwide working to promote respect for women and advocating for the improvement of their status in society.In support of female artists and to push myself I have started a “women artists challenge”.

And I am going to participate in this project just 3days.So my friend Michiri Shibata handed a baton to me who always gives me courage and laughter by the talk. Next artist is Ayumi Tsuchiya who makes a music box by woods. Her works are so popular at all.

Onoyotonn “Piglicious” 2018 Mixed Media Photo:Sayo Takeishi

In this “Piglicious”, an artist assumed coined word “Piglicious” which ran “Pig” and “Delicious” an exhibition name. It is a meaning to be the flesh meat that the pig is delicious. Onoyotonn hears so that the popularity of the pet of the pig is effective very much in Instagram in these days. There are pigs which the farmer do weight gain to 90 kg for half a year after being born, and is dealt with while there are pigs to be enjoyed without being considered to be edible meat, and to live for happily. Fed pigs always have much stress. For Onoyotonn who saw pigs of the edible meat are bred and shipped, it is totally the existence that pigs are in a dream of the pet. And pigs of the edible meat are felt as real existence for an artist. Onoyotonn assumed such a dream and reality a work as a theme.

The painting work called “The dream” of Henri Rousseau was produced in 1910. In this work, the tropical dream that lying woman Yadwigha (imaginary person) watches is described in a red sofa and is the picture of the dream that Rousseau oneself watches.

Hommage did “The dream” of Rousseau who expressed dream / life and reality / death, and Onoyotonn produced this work “Piglicious”. A person of appreciation lies in a red sofa, and, become Yadwigha. When a person of appreciation becomes a part of the work, a work is concluded.